Notícias e atualizações da empresa

Toda semana, compartilhamos nossa experiência em estratégias e técnicas eficazes para ajudá-lo a alcançar clientes e prospects em toda a Web.

Links absolutos vs. links relativos - valor de SEO

The debate between absolute links and relative links continues to live on in the SEO world. The individual significance of each has been contested, but it is widely regarded that absolute links provide better SEO value on the whole than...
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A importância do texto âncora nos backlinks

The importance of anchor text with respect to a linking strategy cannot be overstated. Back-links are a huge part of the search engine algorithm. When initiating a linking campaign, it is vital that external sites link using the appropriate keywords...
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Qualquer link de entrada pode prejudicar minha classificação?

The answer is simple - inbound linking cannot hurt your search ranking. How is this known for certain? Well, for one, if inbound were to hurt your rank, your competitors would continually link to your site from link farms....
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Somos uma empresa de marketing digital com foco em ajudar nossos clientes a obter excelentes resultados em várias áreas importantes.

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